Sunday, March 19, 2006

Tis the season

Spring feaver has hit and the gardening bug bit.

I had my hubby modify an old printer cart as a grow light stand and finally planted some seeds today.
I'm starting my 2006 garden season with some tomatoes (Burpee's Big Boy Hybrid, Rutgers from Burpee's Heirloom collection and Super Beefsteak), a mix bag of bell peppers, Japanese Bunching Onions (also known as Green Onions) and Green Ice Loosehead Lettuce.

I used the Deep-Root Seedstarting System from Gardeners for my tomatoes and peppers and the APS 24 system (also from the same company) got alternating rows of lettus and onions. The Deep-Root system is new for me this year, but the APS 24 system is being recycled from last year. I had huge success with the APS system last year and am again excited to see the results. I did have to replace the felt pad that delivers the water to the roots since I had to throw out the previous one. The pad from last year was, shell we say, root bound. I just went to Michael's (one of my local craft stores) and bought a craft felt sheet for about $4 and cut it to size. I figure the rest should last me a good 3 or 4 years (longer, if I use the system correctly) assuming I can find it each year.

So starts another gardening season and my attempts at a green thumb. Stay tuned to see how my garden sprouts!

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