Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring is definitely here!

Wow! What weather!
It had to be a balmy 75 degrees today. It was so beautiful, I had to get outside.
I prepared 3 of my 5 self-watering pots for plants and planted some additional green onions and lettuce since the ones in my seed starters are looking rather sad. These were containers from last year and I absolutely love them. They allowed me to have my first successful tomato crop last year! Anyway, I'm hoping the lettuce and green onions will fair better in these pots.


I also looked at my aspens and realized that one of them was full of what looked like caterpillar fuzzies. I think they are catkins or flowers, but since I've never seen an aspen behave like that, I don't know. I've got some questions out so hopefully it's not anything unusual or serious.

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